Why I work at Howmights.

Pete Dux


Why I work at Howmights

I had the pleasure of working at Howmights School, and it was a great place to work. Howmights School is a safe and fun learning space, with lots of socializing and communication exclusively in English (save for the absolute beginners, who can use a little Japanese during free time). The English abilities of the students are some of the highest I have witnessed while teaching English in Japan, even better than many adults. I was able to have entire conversations with the students completely in English, and at my natural talking speed. Coaches work with the students in small groups, ensuring greater amounts of time are spent with each student. Students learn and practice English constantly, but they are also taught how to be better people. They learn discipline, manners, and creative thinking as well as English. From a teachers’ perspective, the students are all a pleasure to teach. And the salary is on the high end of competitive. I highly recommend Howmights School as a place to learn and to teach.

Chad Hartley


Why I work at Howmights

Working in a small company isn’t for everyone, but for me, it’s a place to let my creativity, passion, and work ethic spring out.

Working at Howmights was a blessing that prompted me to stay far longer in Japan than I had originally anticipated.

One of the most satisfying things about teaching for Howmights is the room to develop one’s own style. The natural approach with which I can teach my lessons gives me the freedom to generate satisfying and effective back-and-forth with students. This satisfaction is compounded when a student remembers a lesson’s content later that day, that week, that month, all the way up until when it is naturally embedded in their day-to-day speech.

Working with the kids in this way is its own sense of gratification. Unlike many traditional schools or larger companies, the kids at Howmights have a minimum attendance requirement which grants them a strong foundation to improve their English from. This minimum attendance requirement also creates excellent relationships with the kids. Coupled with the small class sizes of 3-5 students, I can ensure they learn something new every day, but just as importantly, I can also see their social skills and behavior develop.

At Howmights we pay attention to children’s social behavior. The focus on manners, compassion, and general kindness makes working with the children a joy. As I write this, the kids are eating their afterschool snack, marveling at the decorations they themselves made in our English Art Class. Later, they will help with preparations for our Halloween party. We place strong emphasis on cultivating our kids’ social interaction and teambuilding skills and it shows in the friendships the kids develop here at Howmights.

This creates a successful, encouraging environment that helps the kids feel comfortable and enjoy learning English. This is why I work at Howmights. This atmosphere, making English a fun and effective learning experience, and most of all, the kids are fantastic.